Welcome Messages

About 13th IAAS

The 13th International Congress on Ambulatory Surgery, taking place in Porto in 2019, reflects the availability and openness of the scientific ecosystem of Porto, by bringing together some of the most prominent researchers in the field of health in general, and of ambulatory surgery in particular. We can, thus, claim that the receptiveness of the scientific atmosphere of a city has the gift of enabling new liaisons as well as promoting the cherishing of a new knowledge. On the other hand, we must never forget that when we speak of our city, we are, actually, speaking of a sea port: a venue of departures, arrivals, exchanges, trade, and development.

Hence my wish to extend to all the intervenient in the 13th International Congress on Ambulatory Surgery a welcoming message. Porto is a unique city, a metropolis that by its dimension and features so special captivates all those who visit it. It is not only the architecture, or the heritage that enchant the foreigners, it is mostly its people whose character so peculiar makes everybody feel at home. I sincerely wish that you all feel in Porto as you do at home, I wish you get to know our identity, and take advantage of your partaking in this meeting to find out what is going on here in the fields of research and science.

Looking forward to seeing you in Porto, we trust you will enjoy this 13th International Congress on Ambulatory Surgery and also the city of Porto, awarded with the Best European Destination for 2012, 2014 and 2017.

Rui Moreira

Mayor of Porto

Ambulatory Surgery had a big improvement in Portugal in the last decade and APCA hopes that this area will remain one of the priorities in the agenda of our country's health policies, as it plays a major role in the economic sustainability of the NHS.

The 13th International Congress of Ambulatory Surgery, to be held in May 2019, will be an excellent opportunity to show you all the good work that we are doing in our ASC in Portugal and also the expression and worldwide growth of AS.

The Organizing Committee will define a High-level Scientific Program covering the most current topics related to AS, including Innovation, new surgical and anesthetic trends and new technologies and will be invited speakers that are reference elements in this area worldwide.

About 2,000 delegates from all over the world are expected. who will then take to their countries the main updates and conclusions resulting from Porto 2019.

APCA ends in May 2019 the celebration of its twentieth anniversary and invites everyone to join us in our celebrations. 

The Organizing Committee invites everyone to visit Porto, try our food, taste some Port Wine and enjoy our fantastic city.

500 years ago the Portuguese discovered the world ...
Now its time for you to come and discover Portugal and Porto ...

Come and join us! Be part of the best IAAS International Congress!

Carlos Magalhães
President, Portuguese Ambulatory Surgery Association


On behalf of the International Association for Ambulatory Surgery - Welcome!

The IAAS holds international congresses every two years, and we are honored to have our 2019 13th Congress in Porto

We will have an outstanding interactive educational program, with plenary and specialty sessions for anesthesiologists, surgeons, nurses and administrators – multidisclinary learning, just as we work in the ambulatory surgery environment.  There will be sessions for the novice as well as the experienced, trainee as well as practitioner. We will also have dedicated sessions for your research, to share with everyone the advances that you are creating – please submit! 

And with all this, an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones. 

See you in May!

Beverly K. Philip, MD

Vice President for Scientific Affairs, American Society of Anesthesiologists
President, International Association for Ambulatory Surgery
Professor of Anaesthesia, Harvard Medical School
Founding Director, Day Surgery Unit Brigham and Women's Hospital

Dear friends and colleagues,

On behalf of the Spanish Association for Ambulatory Surgery (ASECMA) is pleasure for me to invite you to the 13th International Congress on Ambulatory Surgery, that will take place in Porto in 2019, along with the 11th Portuguese and 7th Iberian Congresses. I have not any doubt about the high scientific level that the Congress will reach and I am sure that participation will be successful. From the social point of view, I know that Porto offers a huge possibilities for enjoying our free time

In my opinion, we will have an excellent opportunity to share experiences and to develop very interesting sessions. Moreover, I think is time to include in the IAAS many countries of South America and Africa. For no English speakers from those continents, it will be attractive to attend different lectures and workshops in Portuguese or Spanish. We have a chance to increase the knowledge of Ambulatory Surgery in many countries.

I look forward to seeing you in Porto.

Luis A. Hidalgo Grau
President of the Executive Committee of ASECMA.

Ambulatory Surgery is one of the areas with the greatest growth in the world in the last years, being one of the main solutions to improve the capacity in hospital medical services.

The benefits of AS are recognized and accepted worldwide and its time to make this area a clear priority for all health decision makers.

APCA and Porto were chosen by the IAAS Executive Committee for the organization of the next Ambulatory Surgery World Congress, to be held in May 2019.

This Congress will take place in one of the the reference spaces of our city - Edifício Alfândega - and will certainly remain a decisive mark in the worldwide growth and implementation of AS.

The Scientific program will be of high quality, joining all those who are world references in this area.

I leave the invitation to all of you to visit the city of Porto and to have an active participation in what will certainly be, the largest World Congress of AS ever held.









Honorary Members

Rui Moreira

Rui Moreira

Mayor of Porto

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa

President of The Portuguese Republic

Carlos Magalhães

Carlos Magalhães

President of APCA

Eurico Castro Alves

Eurico Castro Alves

Consultive Committee - President

Beverly K. Philip

Beverly K. Philip

Organizing Committee - President

Luis Hidalgo

Luis Hidalgo

Organizing Committee - Vice President

Ian Jackson

Ian Jackson

Scientific Commitee - President

Vicente Vieira

Vicente Vieira

Scientific Commitee - President

Paulo Lemos

Paulo Lemos

International Executive Committee

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Preliminary Program

9.00 - 10.00H
Mobile Apps and new technologies can help patients and clinicians (advantages vs ethical issues)
Moderators: Manuel Seca; Corinne Vons

• Nightmares to dreams: The timeline of technology - Ian Jackson
• The power of a digital community of medical doctors - Daniela Seixas
• Follow-up of Ambulatory Surgery patients using WhatsApp - Naresh Row
10.00 - 11.00H
Ambulatory Surgery in the world
Moderadors: Vicente Vieira; Douglas McWhinnie; Eurico Castro Alves

• Ambulatory Surgery in China before and after 2017 - Zhenzhong Zhang
• Africa and Latin America Vs USA and Northern Europe (two sides of the same coin) - Beverly Philip
• Portugal – 10 years after the CNADCA Report (The impact of Major National policies in the development of Ambulatory Surgery) - Carlos Magalhães
14.30 - 15.30H
New insights on head and neck procedures
Moderators: Gamal Mohamed; Emanuel Guerreiro

• Video assisted thyroidectomy in Ambulatory Surgery - Jaime Vilaça
• ENT procedures in Ambulatory Surgery – are we pushing too far or can we go further ahead? - Karianne Hostmark
• Dealing with the predictable Difficult Airway in Ambulatory Surgery - Jorge Órfão
16.00 - 17.00H
Recent advances in endoscopic surgery
Moderators: Carlo Castoro; Ian Jackson; Josip Baković

• Laparoscopic hemicolectomy – is it feasible in the Ambulatory Surgery setting? - Pedro Leão
• Thoracoscopic procedures in Ambulatory Surgery - is one lung ventilation a major problem? - Xavier Falières
• Paediatric laparoscopic surgery in Ambulatory Surgery – the experienced scrub nurse is vital! - Anabela Garcia
17.30 - 18.30H
The obese patient in Ambulatory Surgery
Moderators: Mark Skues; Filipe Guerra

• No patient too large? - Silva Pinto
• Surgical strategies feasible in Ambulatory Surgery - Sebastiaan Van Cauwenberge
• Patient education for obesity procedures: Role of nurses - Mariann Aaland
14.30 - 15.45H
Hernia Session - State of the art
Moderators: Naresh Row; Paula Tavares; Fátima Carvalho

• Recent advances in Inguinal hernia repair - Artur Flores
• Ventral and incisional Hernias – what’s the best strategy for the management of postoperative pain? - Matilde Zaballos
• Hiatus hernia repair – strategies for Ambulatory Surgery - Manuel Planells
• Paediatric inguinal hernia repair - Ana Bosak Versic
15.45 - 17.00H
Innovation in the surgical treatment of Pelvic Floor disorders
Moderators: Ana Povo; Luis Hidalgo; Bercina Candoso

• The role of Patient Education before surgery – probes, drains and bags - Klaus Matzel
• Minimally invasive surgery for anterior compartment prolapses - Hélder Ferreira
• Recent advances in Robotic prostatic surgery - Kris Maes
• When postoperative pelvic pain becomes a problem - Rita Moutinho
17.30 - 18.30H
Locoregional anaesthesia in Ambulatory Surgery
Moderators: Clara Lobo; Arnaldo Valedon

• Thoracic Wall: Peripheral Nerve Blocks are easy! - Maribel Garvia Vega
• PNB for children? Of course! - Hugo Trindade
• Block Rooms and Nurses are crucial to a successful peripheral nerve block - Kirsti Lehtonen
14.30 - 17.00H
WORKSHOP “Advanced use of the LMA”

Marc Coppens; Jose Manuel Cordero; Petra Tietze-Schnur; Vicente Vieira

• LMA for ENT and stomatology
• LMA in prone position
• LMA for laparoscopic surgery
• LMA for very small infants
• LMA for difficult intubation
14.30 - 15.30H
Invited Country (India) guest lectures
Moderators: Manmal M. Begani
  • Minimally invasive lumbar intervertebral discectomy performed as a day care procedure under spinal anaesthesia - Roshan Kumar
  • Newer advances – drugs and techniques for regional anaesthesia in Ambulatory Surgery - Rangalakshmi Srinivasan
  • Combining day surgery with Home care for improving patient care and to reduce re-admission rate - Ramesh Koorapati
  • Surgical treatment of diabetic foot in Ambulatory Surgery  – Bhavinder Arora

09.00 - 10.00H
Organizational aspects important to local Ambulatory Surgery policies
Moderators: Beverly Philip; Cláudia Borges

• Beds, Trolleys or Chairs - Mark Skues
• Going green in Ambulatory Surgery - Douglas McWinnie
• Financing strategies that promote Ambulatory Surgery - Alexandre Lourenço
10.00 - 11.00H
Ambulatory Surgery for the diabetic patient
Moderators: Manuel Planells; Jan Eshuis

• Is diabetes directly related to poor surgical outcomes? - Nanda Kishore
• Monitoring blood glucose throughout the AS circuit: the virtues of a good protocol - Nicole van der Lans-Jansen
• Management of diabetic patients in Ambulatory Surgery (BADS Guidelines) - Mahdu Ahuja
11.30 - 12.30H
Old ideas vs new concepts
Moderators: Rosa Amaral; Fernando Docobo

• Emergency Ambulatory Surgery - Douglas McWhinnie
• So much promised, so little delivered - Jim Philip
• Does every patient need a care-giver for 24 hours post discharge? - Madhu Ahuja
14.30 - 15.30H
The elderly patient
Moderators: Jan Eshuis; Paula Tavares

• Surgical outcomes are (not?) affected by age - Sílvia Neves
• Is elderly patient no longer a challenge? - Mary Stocker
• POCD and delirium: risk factors, anaesthetic strategies and diagnosis. How big is the problem?
15.30 - 16.30H
Threats to Ambulatory Surgery or “a sign of the times” – safety comes first!
Moderators: Rosário Órfão; Meneses da Silva
• Sedation by non-anaesthesiologists - Beverly Philip
• Endoscopic surgical procedures by non-surgeons - Luc van Outryre
• Office-based surgery and reduced staffing ratios - Petra Tietze-Schnur
16.30 - 17.00H
6 expert surgeons, anesthesiologists and nurses give opinions and counselling to those who previously make an appointment. Conversations can be shared with the audience by 1 moderator.
17.30 - 18.30H
My worst nightmares in AS
Moderators: Emanuel Guerreiro; Hanne Foens

• Haemorrhage during laparoscopy – lesson from the UK - Ian Jackson
• Neck heamatoma after thyroidectomy - Dieter Morales Garcia
• Hypertensive crisis - Arnaldo Valedon
• Acute anaphylaxis - Marie Sheehan
09.00 - 10.00H
Teamwork and Leadership in ASU
Moderators: Marie-Louise Ulsøe; Alberto Roxo; Célia Castanheira

• Strategies to the creation of a multidisciplinary Team in the ASU - Jorge Sousa
• The young and the experienced Surgeon - Carlo Castoro
• Competencies of the coordinator of the ASU - Miguel Sanchéz
10.00 - 11.00H
Recent advances in Breast Surgery
Moderators: Lúcia Marinho; Kirsti Lehtonen; José Luís Fougo

• Radical mastectomy in Ambulatory Surgery - Sven Felsby
• Options for breast reconstruction after mastectomy in Ambulatory Surgery - Luís Azevedo
• Nursing the mastectomized patient - Joana Oliveira
11.30 - 12.45H
Prophylaxis is the key to the best outcome
Moderators: Cristina Carmona; Jelena Neves
• Prophylaxis of Thromboembolic events: when and how? - Paula Sá Couto
• Hypothermia: are Ambulatory Surgery patients at risk - Diana Silva; Helena Monteiro
• New developments in PONV prophylaxis - Marc Coppens
• Surgical site infection – no improvement in 50 years? - Cecília Pinto
14.30 - 15.45H
Patient Care After Discharge:
Moderators: Mark Skues; Maria do Sameiro Pereira

• Is the 24h Phone Call absolutely necessary? – Are there alternatives? - Hanne Foens
• New Strategies for severe pain control after Hip and Knee arthroplasty - Arnaldo Valedon
• Strategies for patient follow-up in private practice – is there a difference? - Gerd Dieter von-Koschitzky
• Unexpected admissions after Ambulatory Surgery – are they preventable? - Mária Janecskó
15.45 - 17.00H
Perineal and anal procedures in Ambulatory Surgery
Moderators: Dieter Morales; Marc Coppens

• Innovation in the treatment of anal fistulas - Gamal Mohamed
• Colo-rectal surgeries under local anaesthesia are feasible and have good results - Naresh Row
• Ultrasound-guided Peripheral nerve Blocks for perineal surgical procedures - Clara Lobo
• Importance of diet and clean dressings - Marisol Francisco 
17.30 - 18.30H
Planning Strategies for Ambulatory Surgery Units (ASUs)
Moderators: Magdalena Arance Garcia; Alberto Magalhães

• How to organize a big ASU - Jan Eshuis
• Analysis of failed discharge after ambulatory surgery - Els Van Caelenberg
• What should be taken into account when moving several ASUs together at a New hospital? - Marie-Louise Ulsøe
09.00 - 10.00H
Education and training in Ambulatory Surgery
Moderators: Beverly Philip; Paulo Lemos

• Pregraduate curriculum in Medicine - Fernando Docobo
• Recent developments in Paediatric Ambulatory Surgery in Mozambique - the impact of IAAS, Teach the Teachers program - Dalva Kosha
• High Fidelity Simulation as a tool in AS team training - Francisco Matos
10.00 - 11.00H
Ambulatory Surgery in the future
Moderators: Pedro Sá Couto; Douglas McWhinnie

• Can we have better drugs and monitors? - Jan Eshuis
• The role of technology in Ambulatory Surgery - Corinne Vons 
• At home Hospitalization – will this strategy work for Ambulatory Surgery complex patients? - Ramesh Koorapati
11.30 - 12.30H
Guest Lectures: Tears and Laughs in ASUs
• The operating theatre - stage for Re - Traumatization of terror victims - Ana Shippert
• It’s Kids day in the Ambulatory Surgery Unit - Vicente Vieira
09.00 - 10.00H
Estratégias pouco comuns em Cirurgia Ambulatória
Moderadores: Mayté Valle; Paula Sá Couto

• Tiroidectomia total em Cirurgia Ambulatória – como prevenir as principais complicações - Emanuel Guerreiro
• Indicações para bloqueios do neuroeixo em Cirurgia Ambulatória - Ana Rodriguez Archilla
• O doente que vive só também pode ser intervencionado em Cirurgia Ambulatória – Como e quando? - Maria Virtudes Navarro
10.00 - 11.00H
Colecistectomia Laparoscópica em Cirurgia Ambulatória
Moderadores: Francisco Barreiro; Paula Botelho

• Exploração da Via Biliar em Cirurgia Ambulatória – como, quando, porquê? - José Mª Capitán
• O doente com Apneia do sono proposto para cirurgia laparoscópica - Paula Sarmento
• Pernoita em Cirurgia Ambulatória (em que condições?) - Maria José Crista


  • Alfandega Porto Congress Centre
  • R. Nova da Alfândega, 4050-430 Porto
  • www.ccalfandegaporto.com